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How Minitailz Helped Detect Pulmonary Edema: Emily & Cracotte's Story

·3 mins
Minitailz Testimonials Health
Canine Community Manager at Invoxia

It’s probably one of the things dog owners fear the most: learning that their companion is sick. After the diagnosis, one question arises: how can I monitor their health? Emily found her answer with Minitailz. For several months now, our dog tracker has allowed her to monitor Cracotte’s heart murmur. And thanks to it, the dog was able to receive timely care to treat pulmonary edema!

How did you hear about Minitailz?

I discovered your brand through Instagram accounts I follow that were using your collars.

Why did you choose this dog tracker?

Initially, we were looking for a GPS for our young dog Comet (2 years old). We were attracted by the small size of the device that attaches to the collar as well as its price. Upon closer inspection of the features offered, we were thrilled at the idea of using it to monitor the degenerative heart murmur of our other dog Cracotte (10 and a half years old). We couldn’t imagine that such a thing could exist! We prioritized our purchase to monitor Cracotte’s health.


How does Minitailz assist you daily?

We started using the collar at the end of February and since then, Cracotte hasn’t taken it off. Since we learned of her illness, we must monitor her resting breathing to prevent possible pulmonary edema (her resting breathing when she is in deep sleep should be below 25).

The veterinarians showed us how to calculate it and our difficulty was doing it regularly. We primarily look at the health data and her activity. The advantage with the tracker is that we have a trend on her resting breaths, during the day and the week. We can thus continuously monitor her health.

What features do you like most about Minitailz?

It’s everything! We mainly use the health and activity data which are linked, giving a trend in terms of her well-being. The GPS function was also very interesting to us, but more so for our younger dog Comet. We were able to test it one afternoon before definitively putting the collar on Cracotte!

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Do you have any anecdotes to share about using your Minitailz?

There are 2! The first time Cracotte went for a walk with the collar, it was with her dad, a notification was sent to us saying she had just sprinted, and that was exactly right! She always starts off like a kangaroo because she’s too excited! We laughed a lot!

The second is directly related to her heart murmur. Recently, we noticed that her average breathing was getting higher. We made an emergency appointment with the veterinarian and after an X-ray, it was confirmed that she was experiencing pulmonary edema. It was not audible with a stethoscope but it was indeed present. This allowed us to act quickly and adjust her treatment.

Being able to use it a few weeks before her edema allowed us to have normal comparison values. We could have lost our little Cracotte if we had delayed in getting her treated. We can only recommend this tracker which is indispensable for us!


On a scale of 1 to 10, what rating would you give Minitailz?

10, plus the charging is super fast!

Is there anything else you would like to add about your overall experience with Minitailz?

Being able to generate a health report is great, it’s something we do occasionally with her cardiologist for her follow-up. Having weekly reports with data on the community is really good and helps to position your pet’s data relative to others!

To follow all the adventures of Cracotte and Comet, visit their Instagram page !


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